Millie's first birthday

Mar 18th

Just managed another workout, 41 sit-ups and 17 press-ups. Worryingly that’s the third time I’ve done 17 press-ups (see graph on left), have I plateaued? Am I destined to be a mere 17 press-uper for the rest of my life? I’ll have to wait and see I suppose. This week I have been aching from last week, I was feeling pain until Thursday! Let’s hope that this week is better.

I am really going to have to get my weights out of the garage, Beccas are really just too light.

Am thinking of doing another check of stats soon, since by my reckoning I have a swoonability factor of 7.5 now.

Mar 17th

Well having had my snazzy new pedometer for 7 days now – i’ve only just about grasped how to use it. Lost another pound this week. New goal is to lose another 10lbs before going to Mallorca next month. Although all the chocolate ive been eating hasn’t been helping my cause! Not to mention the copious amount of beer i will be consuiming tonight 😉

Mar 12th

adonisWell it’s been two weeks since my last work out, and it really shows, my formally adonis-like figure is starting to sag. So with this horrible image in mind I had a vigorous work-out to teach myself a lesson. I managed to do 40 sit-ups and 17 press-ups, not quite up to the dizzy heights that my little sister can manage (50 and 24 respectively).

Now I am really in pain and am struggling to type so I must stop, a good bacon sandwich would go down nicely……

Mar 5th

Olly has finally given me free reign over the website……woooooo!

So after surviving horrendous tennis injury a few weeks ago – the support has finally come off and i can play tennis again. So am about to start my anti-fattie regime once more.

Net weight loss since the beginning is just 4lbs [as i have put on 2 lbs since injuring my ankle], i am confident, however, that i will continue to lose fatiness at a rate faster than Ollys ability to turn into a chipendale!

My pedometer also died a death over this weekend, so i’ve ordered a brand sparkly new one which will arrive this week. I have to say that the pedometer is a strong motivational tool….my average steps per day was 7000 but i regularly get it up to 13000 (when olly and i walk to work)

Mar 1st

pancakes.jpgWell yesterday was pancake day, so Becca invited many people round for many pancakes. She made chocolate ones, banana ones and probably a few more types I wasn’t paying attention to. Now she claims that she hardy ate any, but since I was not in the kitchen I cannot really verify this. I was, of course, perfectly restrained and didn’t have any at all, but that’s more because I don’t really like pancakes very much.

Of course the obvious question raised by all this tomfoolery is whether or not Becca is going to forgo all those nice things for lent, hmmmmm, I doubt it!

It looks like there is a new arm wresting target for me, Dan beat Phil both left and right handed. One day Dan I will beat you too!

Feb 26th

broken ankle
Well I’m up to 37 sit ups and 17 press ups. That’s almost twice what I could do originally. I have also noticed that I seem to be getting less shoulder ache now, maybe this exercise thing is helping!
Becca has hurt her ankle so, after a week of doing no exercise, she has put all the weight back on she lost. Looks like we are going to be walking in every day this week!

Feb 18th

Something rather exciting happened this week, I beat Mark at arm wrestling, at last, I am not the weakling of the group! I also got my workout up to 30 sit-ups and 16 press-ups.

Feb 12th

This week has been a bit of a bad week for both Becca and I, she put on 3lbs but only lost 2lbs, while I lost at arm wrestling to Phil. Well it was more of a thrashing from Phil, sigh.

Feb 8th

Today I managed to have another work out! I managed 25 sit-ups and 12 press-ups. If I didn’t know better I would swear that I saw a hint of a peck muscle in the mirror too.
Becca walked 7320 steps today, according to her pedometer. This is equivalent to 4.54km, and she’s burt off 313 calories apparently.

Feb 7th

Becca got her fat monitor thing today as well as a pedometer, after much fiddling with the batteries (she is a girl) she figured out her percentage body fat, it’s 37.4%. That means that of her total body weight 37.4% is pure fat, on the included chart this means that she is classed as fat. This corresponds to £18.31 worth of lard!

I am a much more respectable 19.1% fat.

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