Piers Sellers at the space centre

Drip drip drip – leaky tap.

We developed a leaky hot tap the other day, annoying but no big disaster. But then people started to really do the tap up tightly and so it got worse. The leak elevated itself to ‘must fix a.s.a.p. status’ when it was dripping at such a rate the boiler was on constantly. So I spent this morning fixing it, the problem was the tap is one of the origional taps that came with the house – so ~30 years old. This means it was gunked up and very stuck. After about an hour I managed to shift it though, GRRRRRR! It’s all fixed now though.

I then spent the afternoon clearing out the garage, three more bags of crap, bringing the total up to eleven bags in total. It’s looking pretty good now. I put the bike locks on the wall so we can FINALLY get them out of the living room. Just need to get the council to take all the big crap out, put a better lock on the door, paint the door and frame and fix the roof. So should soon be finished, sigh.

As for the central heating, well that seems to be working all right. Haven’t found any more leaks, yet.

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