Steve's stag do in Prague


The last couple of days have been knackering. We had all our stuff delivered from all over the place yesterday and I set about putting everything together. So far we have two working futons and a table with four chairs put together. The loft bed that Becca loved but I dispised has been partially taken apart and will be relegated to the loft in due course.

Spent a while glueing the broken tiles down to the floor in the living room last night, needless to say that I got it all over my fingers! Luckily I had forseen such a schoolboy error and had bought some that I could get off with nail polish remover 🙂

Becca got to work on steam cleaning the futons (they really need it) and the floor in the small bedroom.

It’s almost livable now, we just have no hot water (realised the imersion heater doesn’t work either) or heating. Looks like we will be sleeping on the inflatable bed in Woolstone for a few more night yet 🙁 Certainly until we can get a sensible quote for the bolier.

Most importantly though, we found the local centre, it has a chinese and chip shop rolled into one! And even better, it is less than five minutes away. Needless to say in a few weeks time I’m sure they will know us by name 🙂

One response to “Knackered!”

  1. Becca says:

    Yes there was something disturbing about bint asking me if i had any nail varnish remover that he could use…..

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